Is the Resolution Aspirational Or a Violation?
The bishop of the Michigan Conference ruled a resolution supporting its Board of Ordained Ministry’s right to lament the treatment of LGBTQIA+ candidates as long as they did not act on it. Then he’d have to step in, based on legislation passed at the special session of the General Conference held in 2019.
The Council supported the first part of the ruling but stated it could not support the bishop’s right to intervene. Again the concurring opinions make clear that at least four of the Council members view the 2019 addition as unconstitutional. According to ¶33, only the annual conference has that authority to do intervention through fair process procedures. The whole Council does not disagree in the majority ruling but only uses that opinion to overrule the bishop’s alleged right to intervene rather than outright deciding the 2019 addition is unconstitutional.
What is startling in this decision is the identifying the annual conference vote in support of the resolution: 298 to 125. nearly a 3 – 1 ratio. While the Michigan Conference is not as conservative as West Michigan, this ratio indicates a clear movement toward positively normalizing the LGBTQIA+ community.
That says to me that fewer and fewer churches are likely to separate when the split comes. The dream of the conservatives who want to dominate the world of Methodism is fading faster than they want.
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