“Moot and Hypothetical” Revisited
For some reason, the Conference Lay Leader of the Desert Southwest Annual Conference felt it necessary to raise questions of law about being invited to cabinet meetings where conference ministries were being discussed and about being invited to provide a report to the plenary. The Discipline provides for those tasks and apparently the bishop was not recognizing them.
The bishop, in his report to the Council. pointed out that the questions did not include any action of the conference germane to the questions and therefore they were moot and hypothetical.
“Not so fast,” replied the Council. “The nomination and election of all conference officers including the Conference Lay Leader had just occurred and the questions of law were part of the response to that.” The Council overturned the bishop’s ruling.
The Council can be creative where it wants to be. A mere segue opening became the connecting reference that opened the door for the Council to step in and take jurisdiction on what appears to be a careless or disrespectful failure on the part of the bishop. If he had a good reason for his actions, he wisely did not bring it up in this context.
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