Dear Bishop,
When I wrote to you earlier this month about global warming, several of your colleagues responded in a very helpful manner. More on those responses in a moment. As I read them, I reread my letter and realized I was not clear as to what I was concerned about.
I presumed that you would know I was criticizing the Council of Bishops' (COB's) practice of setting up parallel action groups at the same time the agencies of the general church were doing those same things. It appeared to me both a waste of time and money and it appeared to me that as a body, the COB felt it had to be in a position to take credit for what others were already doing.
I also presumed that the action of the COB on global warming was more of an afterthought than a genuine concern. The one good thing was that the COB was out ahead of the GMC on it.
But several of your colleagues graciously drew my attention to Bishop Dyck's 2010 book A HOPEFUL EARTH (which I am reading now) and that as a retired bishop, she is working through the COB's ecumenical office with other denominations on global warming as well as working closely with Church and Society. I had forgotten about retired bishops being freer to focus on critical issues. I understand the COB is realizing that and calling upon retirees to help on a number of concerns.
I also presumptuously forgot that bishops could be deeply involved with their own annual conference's agencies and task forces on climate change as is the case among several active bishops.
My hope is that you will forgive my presumptuousness. Life is far more nuanced than we may believe. That is something of which even we older observers need to be reminded.
One other presumption I have had is that you and your colleagues would know how to handle reprioritizing what the cabinet does to help pastors and their churches to succeed.
In the coming weeks I hope to offer suggestions and I will try to keep my emails about a page or so long.
In any case, please read Bishop Dyck's book if you have not already. I think you will encourage your conference to read it. It preaches!
In the collegiality of the clergy,
Rev. Jerry Eckert, retired clergy, Wisconsin Annual Conference